Wrestling with LC Server and wacky results...?
Simon Smith
hello at simonsmith.co
Thu Aug 7 15:05:49 EDT 2014
Hi John
When looping through tUsersFile I would probably write everything to a new
variable instead of trying to update tUsersFile - should not have any
problems removing the line or updating it when the username matches.
On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 6:18 AM, JOHN PATTEN <johnpatten at me.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Still not getting LC server script to record the correct info in a text
> file. I’m trying recording the last item, item 4, of a players game piece
> based on the button they are over. Here’s the abbreviated “move game piece
> script:”
> put word 2 of tLabels into tCurrentSpot --word 2 is a number, ie Button3
> put tCurrentSpot + (cd fld "DiceRoll") into tButton
> if tButton > 15 then
> put 1 into tButton
> move cd button tTargetPlayer to the loc of cd button ("Button" &&
> tButton)
> put urlEncode(tTargetPlayer) into tUsername
> put urlEncode("Button" && tButton) into tButtonSpot
> put "username=" & tUsername &"&ButtonSpot=" & tButtonSpot into
> tArgList
> post tArgList to URL "http://jpatten.on-rev.com/tHidden/moveplayer.lc"
> put it --into tData
> else
> move cd button tTargetPlayer to the loc of cd button ("Button" &&
> tButton)
> put urlEncode(tTargetPlayer) into tUsername
> put urlEncode("Button" && tButton) into tButtonSpot
> put "username=" & tUsername &"&ButtonSpot=" & tButtonSpot into
> tArgList
> post tArgList to URL "http://jpatten.on-rev.com/tHidden/moveplayer.lc
> "
> put it --into tData
> end if
> Here’s server script:
> <?lc
> put $_POST["username"] into tUsername
> put $_POST["ButtonSpot"] into tButtonSpot
> put url("file:users.txt") into tUsersFile
> repeat for each line tLine in tUsersFile
> if item 1 of tLine is tUserName then
> put tButtonSpot into item 4 of tLine
> --when it gets to spot 10 it is no allowing the 1s spot only the 10s spot,
> so button "Button 10" shows up as "Button 1," button 11, as Button 1 and so
> on...
> put tLine into tLineNew
> put empty into tLine
> put return & tLineNew after tUsersFile
> put tUsersFile
> end if
> end repeat
> --open file "users.txt" for write
> --write tUsersFile to file "users.txt"
> --close file "users.txt"
> --put "Moving on!"
> --put tUsersFile
> ?>
> The script works fine until player moves up into double digit game spaces,
> i.e. Button 10, Button 11, etc. However, when I add my changed line as a
> new line at the bottom of the variable the new line at bottom has the
> correct two digit button label. So if the player was Luna, and she had just
> moved to spot “Button 13,” the resulting text file looks like this after
> the server script runs:
> John Patten,secret,jpatten at bmail.com,Button 1
> Ivy Patten,1valve,ipatten at bmail.com,Button 5
> Sawyer Patten,luna,spatten at bmail.com,Button 1
> Luna Patten,secret,mmouse at gmouse.com,Button 6
> Sean Patten,secret,spatten at gmouse.com,Button 1
> Luna Patten,secret,mmouse at gmouse.com,Button 13
> I tried to figure out a way to delete the original line, in this case for
> Luna where the item 4 is the old labeled Button 6, but couldn’t come up
> with a script on the server to that.
> Tried a couple of the other suggestions too, but know luck. It just seems
> kind of odd why it will write the correct line to the end of the file, but
> not to the line in the middle? Any other suggestions?
> Thank you!
> John Patten
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