
J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Aug 4 02:45:54 EDT 2014

On 8/3/2014, 4:03 PM, Mats Wilstrand wrote:
> I assume you're using a background grp. If so I have used the "focusOut"
> message to fire some action in the self-contained grp when the card changes.
> The "focusIn" message is not received by the group on crad change. This is
> kind of counter intuitive imho but it works.

That's a clever approach Mats. Unfortunately I need to set up the group 
based on the contents of the current card, and I don't think that's 
known when a focusOut message is sent.

Since a frontscript isn't practical for this stack, and openBackground 
has the same limitations as openControl, I think I'll just put copies of 
the group on the cards that need it. There aren't too many, but it would 
have been better to share it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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