HTML browser and mobile.

Pierre Sahores sc at
Fri Apr 25 14:41:59 EDT 2014

Hi Ralph,

The way it works can be really simple (other ways available but this one fills perfectly my needs…) :

1.- the html/js side :

page1.html need to include some javascript :

simple iOS/Android working example :

> 	<script type="text/javascript">
> 		var priogesture = 1, start_x = 0, stop_x = 0, start_y = 0, stop_y = 0;
> 		function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
> 		$("swipe-wrap").addEventListener ("touchstart", function (event) { 
> 			start_x = event.touches[0].screenX; start_y = event.touches[0].screenY; priogesture = 0;
> 		});
> 		$("swipe-wrap").addEventListener ("touchmove", function (event) {
> 			stop_x = event.touches[0].screenX; stop_y = event.touches[0].screenY;
> 			if ((priogesture == 0) && (stop_x != 0) && (Math.abs(stop_x - start_x) > Math.abs(stop_y - start_y))) { 
> 				if (start_x < stop_x) {
> 					document.location.href="file:/data/data/com.pierresahores.alainweiz/cache/prev.html";
> 				} else if (start_x > stop_x) {
> 					document.location.href="file:/data/data/com.pierresahores.alainweiz/cache/next.html";
> 				}
> 			}
> 		});
> 	</script>

a.- able to handle the touch messages it receive from your mobile app users;
b.- and initiate a new pageN.html load;

2.- the livecode scripting side :

> on browserLoadRequested pUrl, pType
>    if the platform is "iPhone" then
>       if "/cache/prev.html" is in pURL then 

your iOS dedicated LC code comes there

> on browserStartedLoading pUrl
>    if "/cache/prev.html" is in pURL and the platform is "android" then

your Android dedicated LC code comes there



Le 25 avr. 2014 à 19:36, Ralph DiMola <rdimola at> a écrit :

> How would one do a call back to LC from within a mobile web page? Is this even possible on mobile? I have a html local page with a map image. I would like to call an LC procedure with a parameter when the user presses within a specific county on the page.
> Ralph DiMola
> IT Director
> Evergreen Information Services
> rdimola at
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Pierre Sahores
mobile : 06 03 95 77 70

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