closeStackRequest not working?

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Mon Apr 14 14:45:16 EDT 2014

I read in the dictionary that closeStackRequest is sent to the current card when the user initiates a close stack. There is a note which says that closing the stack from a script will not trigger the message, and because of this, using command-w or selecting File->Close will not trigger the message since both these methods use a script to function. Ok, I can live with that.

So then the only time a closeStackRequest gets sent is if the user clicks the Close control in the window title bar. Right? Wrong, apparently. I have this in the card script:

on closeStackRequest
   save this stack
   pass closeStackRequest
end closeStackRequest

When closing the window using the control in the window title bar, I do not even get the debugger. I just get the popup asking if I am sure, allowing me Don’t Save, Cancel or Save. So when *exactly* is the closeStackRequst sent? Never under any conditions? Seems so at this point, unless I am greatly mistaken.


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