PDF's to PNG's on Windows 8

Ray Horsley ray at linkit.com
Wed Sep 18 10:06:23 EDT 2013

Sorry to bring this topic back up again but it seems there's no solution for this.

Installing QuickTime on Windows does not display PDF's in a player object.  This is odd since this works wonderfully on a Mac.

Yrying to display PDF's in a browser object opens Adobe's Reader which, in Windows' very blunt way, hogs the entire screen burdening the user with lots of work just to get back to LiveCode.  Even if this worked I'm not sure how I'd determine the number of pages and move through them to get the snapshots.

Quartam Software has a nice PDF package but it only does the opposite by creating PDF files in Livecode.

So there's apparently no solution to this seemingly common need to be able to view and convert PDF files to single PNG's or JPEG's in Livecode.


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