"Introducing New LiveCode Licenses"

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 02:27:46 EDT 2013

On 29/10/13 02:12, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> Mark,
> Although people usually learn to code first and then decide to make a 
> commercial app, I see plenty of very experienced coders make the 
> transition to LiveCode. It is people like those who kept asking me for 
> a book to help them get a grasp of LC quickly.
> Regarding the bias: I know what I'm doing, but I have no interest in 
> explaining it all.

If you have no interest in explaining this I don't honestly understand 
why you got "all prickly" about the book in the first place and made 
some statements that seem to need some sort of justification.

> -- 
> Best regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
> Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer
> KvK: 50277553
> Use Color Converter to convert CMYK, RGB, RAL, XYZ, H.Lab and other 
> colour spaces. http://www.color-converter.com
> Buy my new book "Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner" 
> http://qery.us/3fi
> Fill out this survey please
> http://livecodebeginner.economy-x-talk.com/survey/
> On 10/29/2013 01:01, Mark Wilcox wrote:
>>>>   I don't see why a book for beginners wouldn't be for commercial 
>>>> programmers. A commercial programmer needs to start somewhere too.
>> This is true - but a commercial programmer doesn't usually start 
>> their programming career thinking "I'm going to create an app to 
>> sell". Typically people learn to code first, then figure out how to 
>> earn money doing it. Developers who learned to code so they could 
>> create a commercial app are very much the exception, not the rule. 
>> You don't usually go through the "real beginner" stage with 
>> commercial intent - I assume this includes learning about things like 
>> conditionals and loops. So all I'm saying is that a programmer new to 
>> LiveCode but not new to programming is likely to be put off by "for 
>> the Real Beginner" because it implies re-hashing a bunch of stuff 
>> they already know to learn the syntax and get to the interesting and 
>> unique features of the language rather than just jumping right to 
>> those things.
>> I mentioned the VisionMobile figures because yours weren't that far 
>> off, although I also agree with Monte that your survey design and 
>> promotion are very likely to suffer from "sampling bias" (to use the 
>> technical term). Even the VisionMobile survey inevitably suffers from 
>> some sampling bias but the questions are carefully designed and the 
>> sources of responses monitored so that it can be corrected for in 
>> various ways. It's extremely difficult to get reliable stats from 
>> non-mandatory surveys.
>> Mark
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