"Introducing New LiveCode Licenses"

Mark Wieder mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Mon Oct 28 17:41:38 EDT 2013


Monday, October 28, 2013, 2:23:30 PM, you wrote:

> Monte,

> I really have no idea how you can say that. There is no argumentation
> for your statement.

Well, let's see...

First of all, the title is "Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner
Survey". Second, of the 17 questions, 15 are about *the book*. The
others are "enter your email" and "find a category for yourself". The
statistics you mentioned only cover 90% of the respondents. And your
survey *requires* all the questions to be answered, which means
respondents either have to have ordered the book or fill in a lot of
"I don't know" answers.

tl;dr - I didn't fill out the form.

-Mark Wieder
 ahsoftware at gmail.com

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