Differentiating a substack from a mainstack

Mark Wieder mwieder at ahsoftware.net
Wed Nov 20 20:40:56 EST 2013


Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 5:35:43 PM, you wrote:

> Thanks Mark, I wrote my last reply just as yours came in so yes, it
> confirms what I saw in the IDE code.

LOL. And I responded to yours before this came in.
We gotta stop meeting like this.

> Iwas hoping I could enter a bug report and suggest that the IDE code uses
> the templateStack to set the mainstack, but when I tried that in a test
> stack, I got an error on the "set the mainstack of the templatestack..."
> statement so I guess the mainstack is not a real property of a stack, at
> least in 5.5.4

No, it's just that you can't set the mainstack property of the
templatestack because it's a special type of object.

> Unfortunately, I need this for my lcStackBrowser plugin so I have no
> control over setting the stack name.  I think I'll just have to tell users
> to use the lcStackBrowser mechanism for creating new main/substacks - they
> work better any way :-)

You *could* get really tricky and hijack the menu...

-Mark Wieder
 ahsoftware at gmail.com

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