Need Help Getting LiveCode Server to Write to a File

Matthias Rebbe matthias_livecode_150811 at
Thu Nov 14 02:53:37 EST 2013

Am 14.11.2013 um 01:37 schrieb Alejandro Tejada <capellan2000 at>:

> De
> Actually, that is scary! :o

No it is not. PHP is working the same way.

> Are all your personal files, available from the web, too?

Do you mean my files on my mac? My mac is not reachable from the internet.

Generally speaking, what files and folders lc server is able to see and able to write to  depends on the rights the user (account) has, who invokes the lc script.

On shared servers like on-rev for example you just have write access to your HOME and sub folder(s). But you can see the folder structure also above HOME, but without the possibility to write.

As long as you know what your are scripting in php/lc or any other server side scripting language there is no need to be scared.

I am using this "feature" to store the scripts which contain db username and password and other db related stuff in an lc file above the public_html folder. I then include these files in my
lc scripts. So in any case that lc server is not running, there is no way for website visitors to see the plain text code of that confidential files.



Matthias Rebbe
Tel: 	+49 5741 310000
        +49 160 5504462
eMail: matthias underscore livecode underscore 150811 at m dash r dash d dot de

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