Write to Process takes two tries...

Glen Bojsza gbojsza at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 04:48:08 EST 2013

Hello everyone,

It may be a linux issue but when I open an SSH process and then write to
that process I need to do the write twice to get results. The interesting
thing is that I get double results.

For example when using the following script...the process is already open
for updates.

*on* mouseUp

   *write*  "pwd" & cr to process the nM of this stack


*end* mouseUp

*command* readloop

   *read* from process the nM of this stack until empty

       *if* it is not empty  *then*

          *put* it & cr after fld sshResults

          *send* "readloop" to me in 1 tick


         *exit* to top

      *end* *if*

*end* readloop

I don't get any results while waiting for my read from process no matter
how long I wait.

But if I send the write command twice then I get immediate results with pwd
being done twice?



[root at localhost etc]#



[root at localhost etc]#

I have tried adding an addition cr in the command

write "pwd" & cr & cr to process mySSH

but this doesn't do anything unless I send it twice and I get an additional
command line prompt back



[root at localhost etc]#

[root at localhost etc]#



[root at localhost etc]#

[root at localhost etc]#

I have tried combination of cr and lf but it still needs to write twice to
get results?



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