Misunderstanding developer previews versus release candidates

ethan at lish.net ethan at lish.net
Thu Nov 7 12:51:19 EST 2013

It would be helpful if the download site
(http://downloads.livecode.com/livecode/) was organized to reflect
Kevin's write-up below and the published process on the website

Not much too it, just put a HTML cover over it showing what is current
for stable, maintenance and development.  Maybe a footnote link to the
historical or previous releases

Here are some examples;
Java -- https://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
Apache -- http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi
Drupal -- https://drupal.org/project/download


Ethan at Lish.net

On 11/7/13, 12:40 PM, Andrew Kluthe wrote:
>> The way the rest of the world works is
> That's a pretty generalized assumption. Release processes and version
> naming varies pretty wildly depending on how often you iterate and what
> goes into each iteration.
> Most of my applications (i'm an in-house development shop working on
> internal applications for a farm services company) get small updates
> weekly, daily, or sometimes even several times in a day between hot fixes
> and urgently needed features/additions. As a result the only way I could
> keep track of anything was base my version numbers off the date it was put
> out there. For example: an update released today to a specific application
> would be 13.11.7 and if I have to hotfix a feature that was added in a
> hurry on the same day I add a 4th number to increment. etc. The
> first number being the year the second being the month and the third for
> the day and the optional 4th being the number of the release for that day.
> It doesn't make any sense to developers in a different situation than I am
> in but its the only way I have found that releasing as frequently as I do
> can be managed sanely.
> I think run-revs new release process/version numbers makes way more sense
> than it used to in pre-open-source-days.
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Mark Wieder <mwieder at ahsoftware.net> wrote:
>> Kevin-
>> Thursday, November 7, 2013, 6:36:56 AM, you wrote:
>>> Our release process is simple and pragmatic.
>> Thanks. The way the rest of the world works is
>> initial design
>> in development : alpha
>> feature complete : beta
>> code complete : release candidate
>> golden master
>> --
>> -Mark Wieder
>>  ahsoftware at gmail.com
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