FieldFormatter (was RE:CloseFieldEditor and OpenFieldEditor) admin at
Fri Nov 1 08:54:46 EDT 2013

I am looking forward to it as well, but at the moment it looks like
DataGrids will not be supported. FieldFormatter relies on the ability to
select a persistent field. DataGrids do not have selectable fields and as
each cell is non-persistent (each time you edit a cell, its id changes)
there is no 'field' as such to specify. Another reason I dislike the way
Datagrids are implemented, but that's off-topic. Since this is a 'field
formatter' and not a 'datagrid formatter', support for this strange creature
that is a DataGrid may have to be postponed to a later version (if indeed
there is a way to do it at all).

Hugh Senior

Ray wrote:

Is there a message sent when a user double clicks a cell in a data grid
to open it for editing?  I'd like to think the closeFieldEditor handler
(which is sent when the cell is closed back up) would have a reciprocal
openFieldEditor when a cell is opened, but evidently it doesn't.

By the way, Hugh, I'm looking forward to you FeldFormatter which you
mentioned earlier today is almost ready.

Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

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