SQLite data storage

Peter Alcibiades palcibiades-first at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 22 13:43:09 EDT 2013

Can I ask what is probably a really silly question?  Could you just use a tab
separated text file to hold this amount of data, as long as there is only
one table?

I am a complete amateur of course so I probably did it all wrong.  I had to
accumulate 15,000+ records, adding to them as time went on, and periodically
go through and extract reports.  Not wishing to struggle with 'proper
databases' I just stuck the records into a tab delimited file, and had at
it.  Making backups as seemed prudent.  Nothing ever went wrong.  It ran
reasonably fast on a very old and obsolete spare machine.  Also the nice
thing was, the customer could just take a copy of the file and read it back
into Excel and do any sort of analysis or custom reports they wanted.

Probably there is some reason for using sqlite that I'm not aware of?


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