[OT] Preload hoses my system
richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sun Mar 17 11:50:22 EDT 2013
On 03/17/2013 05:24 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:
> Most likely is related to a usb drive (stick or external) but if its
> happening for regular old internal drive NOT usb connected there is
> definitely something going on. Though if you do have an external drive or
> two you might try to boot without them and see if you still get the
> message.
I disconnected an internal USB drive (sdb) and those caching messages
went away.
Naively hoped that was 'it'.
BUT still not booting, and getting this:
a long list of "Setting IRQ priorities" followed by nothing.
> Its also possible to set the loglevel different or boot in quiet mode, but
> if you're like me you actually want to see those messages. if I come across
> anything else i'll let you know.
> On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 9:14 AM, Richmond <richmondmathewson at gmail.com>wrote:
>> The most alrming message seems to be this for all disk partitions:
>> No Caching mode page present.
>> Richmond.
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