Mac App Submit (again)

Lars Brehmer larsbrehmer at
Tue Mar 12 17:40:05 EDT 2013

I am still trying to prepare an app for app store submission, but still failing.

I follow the instructions in the Mac App Submit article in RevUp June 17th 2011 to the letter. It all seems to work, but testing the resulting installer package fails. I follow the instructions to the letter, the results in the terminal are exactly as the article predicts (last line - installer: Finished install)
but there is no app in my applications folder.

And if I just run the installer itself, it seems to work, I get the chime and "Application successfully installed" message, but there is no application in the applications folder!

The thing that concerns me is this:

> type a space after the closing quote and then in the Finder drag your standalone application file into the Terminal. Terminal will put the absolute path to the standalone application. The final line will look something like:
> jdough:~ jdough$ codesign -f -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: J Dough" /Users/jdough/Documents/MyLiveCodeApp/MyLiveCodeApp/
> hit the return key and codesign should add a "_CodeSignature" folder (and other files) into the package contents of your standalone. 

This DOES create the "_CodeSignature" folder with a "CodeResources" file in it. (but no other files as suggested above in the instructions)

But it also results in an error in the terminal window:

object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable

But even after this error, everything after works just fine, until the app doesn't show up in the applications folder. By everything els I mean the codesign and productbuild in terminal.

You can imagine the confusion - I follow the instructions precisely, get to the end of the process and no application. I can't believe it doesn't have anything to do with that error message after the code sign, but I always get that error message.

That RevUp article states Snow Leopard, so maybe something is slightly different with Mountain Lion?

Help appreciated!



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