Post command help

Thierry Douez th.douez at
Mon Jun 24 11:28:15 EDT 2013

​Hello Jacque,

2013/6/24 J. Landman Gay <jacque at>

Thanks for posting that, Thierry. I'm working on a project that needs SSL
> and your problem had me worried.

​Well, it still worries me :(

> It sounds like the issue only occurs on OS X 10.6, right? Mac 10.7+ and
> Windows machines are not affected? Do you know?

​Umm, it's not working on Mac 10.7.5 right now on my box.

For Windows I guess it works as Pierre answer was positive.

I'm a bit surprise that not so many seems interested to this thread.
Are we so little to use secure socket?




> On 6/24/13 9:07 AM, Thierry Douez wrote:
>> 2013/6/22 Thierry Douez <th.douez at>
>>  Coming back :(
>>> More details:
>>> I'm on MacOS.
>>> Restarting my Mac and my Internet Box and got again the same error:
>>> post myData to url "https://myDomain"
>>>    <error -Error with certificate at depth: 2 ....>
>>> But, executing this line of script always works:
>>> get shell("curl -s -d" && quote & myData & quote && "https://myDomain")
>>> Executing the same post via Firefox and a form always works too.
>>> And after some tries, the post command works again without any clue why?
>>> So, looks like the post command over https is not reliable on Mac !
>>> Same behavior with LC 5.5,  6....
>> ​So, here is the answer form runrev support,
>> hoping it will ​help some of you...
>> I believe this issue could be related to automatic root certificate
>> discovery on
>> OSX. The below is an excerpt from the LiveCode release notes-
>> ------------------------------
>> ------------------------------**-----------
>> HTTPS – automatic root certificate discovery (4.5 – experimental)
>> In previous versions it was necessary to set the sslCertificates property
>> to the
>> root certificates that HTTPS connections should be verified against.
>> Support has
>> now been added to locate and load the root certificates installed (and
>> kept
>> up to
>> date) as part of the OS.
>> This uses the standard root certificate keychain on Mac, the standard root
>> certificate store on Windows and uses a number of heuristics to locate
>> this
>> information on Linux.
>> You can easily find out if the system-installed root certificates are
>> being
>> found
>> by running the following command in the message box:
>> get url ""
>> put the result & return & it
>> If this results in an error about verification failure then it is likely
>> that root
>> certificates have not been found. Please let us know (particularly on
>> Linux) if you
>> find this simple test fails, making sure you give us full details of your
>> system
>> (e.g. Linux distribution and version).
>> Note: Unfortunately this feature does not currently work correctly on Mac
>> 10.6.x.
>> For now, we advise including an appropriate root certificates collection
>> with your
>> application, as was previously necessary, and setting the sslCertificates
>> property
>> appropriately.
>> ------------------------------**------------------------------**--------
>> The automatic root certificate discovery is still is experimental for Mac
>> OSX and
>> we are actively working on implementing it fully.
>> Another suggestion would be setting the property libUrlSetSSLVerification
>> to false
>> as this may also resolve the issue..
>> ​Best,
>> Thierry​
>> ------------------------------**------------------
>> Thierry Douez -
>> Maker of sunnYperl - sunnYmidi - sunnYmage
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> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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