Is Snapshot Possible with Two Monitors?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon Jun 3 17:52:44 EDT 2013

Hi Ray,

Snapshots don't work with secondary monitors. You can make snapshots of the main screen only. Perhaps you can use a command line utility instead.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 3 jun 2013, at 23:03, Ray Horsley wrote:

> I'm running into a variety of issues designing a standalone which will import PDF's.  If quicktime isn't installed it seems impossible and even if the user installs it (Windows) it often doesn't work for certain PDF's.
> With this in mind I thought I'd let users open their PDF's in whatever program they choose and use Livecode's import snapshot command.  I don't pass a rectangle since I don't know where the image is on screen and unfortunately it seems I can't get the rectangle [the user opens up] returned to me.  I do, however, get an image imported, although on a system with two monitors in extended display mode it seems almost random where the actual snapshot gets taken from.  It's anything but where the user actually dragged.
> Does anybody have any suggestions for grabbing a snapshot of the same rectangle the user opens up on the desktop or in another application?
> Thanks,
> Ray Horsley
> LinkIt! Software

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