Fwd: File uploading to on-rev.com account with revIgniter

Dave Kilroy dave at applicationinsight.com
Thu Jul 18 09:47:14 EDT 2013

Thanks Martin and Ralf - my problem was between the chair and the keyboard

> Can you tell which version of ImageMagick is installed?

No I don't have ImageMagick installed (at least that I can find).

Somehow I managed to miss the bright coloured warning right at the top of the FileUpload Library page of the User Guide saying at ImageMagick was required (slaps head). 

But how do you install it? I've had a good poke around www.imagemagick.org and used Google a lot - and it looks like to install with cPanel I'll need to use shell (if I understand correctly) which I don't have access to - so I'm wondering if I have to ask someone from RunRev to install it on my account?

And once it's installed how do I load and call it from within revIgniter? Or will it 'just work' in the background without needing specific loading/calling?

If I can do the install - are there any step-by-step guides you can recommend?

Thanks for your help on this - I really am such a newbie at the server-side of things…


PS: Ralf, my on-rev account is on pancake...

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