Managing Long IDs?

Scott Rossi scott at
Mon Jul 15 18:12:00 EDT 2013

Hi List:

I recently worked with a client to trace some non-functioning behavior in
a stack to the use of commas in a folder name where the user placed the
application and support files. I always use long ids for object
references, so of course my scripts tripped up where the default
itemDelimiter (comma) was used.

In the past, I've also run into problems where LiveCode encounters a dash
(minus) symbol in a filePath and tries to treat the path as a math

Does anybody have a simple means of dealing with this?  urlEncode?
Something else?  The end result is going to be available to anyone, so
it's not reasonable to issue a "Don't place this app in a folder that
contains commas in the name!" warning to users.

Thanks for any suggestions.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX/UI Design

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