conference dilemma...

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Wed Feb 27 14:51:52 EST 2013

Simple: register for Google IO, go to Edinburgh, send a ringer to pick up your 

If the avatar you use on social media (your Mii?) is what you have on your 
identity documents it should be easy to disguise someone else to match it!

On 27/02/2013 19:36, Colin Holgate wrote:
> It would be my third RunRev conference, and I haven't been to Google IO, where they usually give everyone valuable hardware (like, it was a tablet and a phone last time).
> Still think I'm heading to Edinburgh though!
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 2:30 PM, Monte Goulding <monte at> wrote:
>>> If you're going to one RunRev conference in your life this should be the one. How exciting is it going to be after the month we've just had!

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