Trying to make economic sense of open sourcing livecode

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed Feb 6 09:51:37 EST 2013


The biggest project I have ever seen consisted of one 4 GB stack. Due to 
its size, it was impossible to make a standalone of it :-) I guess such 
projects aren't optimally organised for GIT.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 2/6/2013 15:40, Colin Holgate wrote:
> Surely LiveCode itself is made up of lots of files, that can work with GIT perfectly well? Do stacks have to have that ability right away? Won't most open source big LiveCode applications be made of lots of stacks and external files, giving you a certain amount of modularity, even if individual stacks are updated as a single file?

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