datagrid weirdness

Dr. Hawkins dochawk at
Sun Sep 16 19:27:59 EDT 2012

I'm working with datagrids to figure them out, and am seeing what
seems to be weird behavior.

I set labels and widths for four columns without a problem (creatively
labeled 1-4)

Then to stuff some text into it, i put
   put "George" into theA[1][1]
   put "Tuesday" into theA[1][2]
   put "$37" into theA[1][3]
   set the dgData of grp "sofaGrid" to theA

The cell at 1,1 get's greyed out, while 1,2 & 1,3 have Tuesday and $37
dollars in them.  I can double-click on them to edit, but not cell
1,1.  Further, when I do double-click, or tab between the two live
fields, George sometimes appears (but goes back away when I leave the

What I'd *like* to be doing is letting the user go into these, even
putting the cursor into 1,1 if I have no data to load in, and then
catching closeField and leaving the row for processing.

The Hawkins Law Firm
Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
HawkinsLawFirm at
3025 S. Maryland Parkway
Suite A
Las Vegas, NV  89109

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