Skanky ways to play MP3 on Windows XP

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Fri Sep 14 07:32:05 EDT 2012

On 14/09/2012 11:24, Klaus on-rev wrote:

> Am 14.09.2012 um 12:19 schrieb Ben Rubinstein <benr_mc at>:
>> My other route is that although the player object isn't working on this machine, imported audioclips do play.  But the formats that I'm aware work with audioclips are non-compressed, and therefore we'd have to render the audio into formats which will take up a lot of space.  Hence my second question about any space-efficient formats that work with audioclips.
> the compressd AU format can be played as internal/imported Livecode sound!

Klaus - aha, that's very helpful, thank you!

Do you have any recommedations for software to use for conversion (especially 
batch conversion) and for encoding?

I'm using Audacity, which allows export with different headers and encodings - 
but you have to select combinations and then see if the "OK" button is enabled 
or disabled.  So far the only encodings that I can find that can be selected 
with AU as the header, that I think are compressed, are U-law, A-law, ADPCM. 
U-law and A-law produce files exactly half the size of the uncompressed files 
(but still four times the size of the mp3).  U-law plays OK through LiveCode 
(though noticeably softened compared to the uncompressed or the MP3), but 
A-law is horribly distorted.  With ADPCM, I can select this combination, but 
when I try to export Audacity says it can't be exported in this format.

So this definitely moves me a step forward - do you know of any other 
supported formats that offer either higher compression or better quality, that 
can be played as internal/imported LiveCode sounds?

Many thanks,


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