How to use stacks from LC 5.5.3 with LC 4.5.3?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Nov 16 17:24:13 EST 2012

On 11/16/12 3:53 PM, Richmond wrote:

> Horst's posting seems to be one in a fairly long line of 'moans' (and
> some of them
> are more howls than moans) that have been appearing with increasing
> frequency since 4.5.

Maybe because those who are using 5.5.3 successfully don't post; you 
only hear about problems. I haven't had any trouble with it. There are, 
however, a good many new features and a few changes to old behaviors 
that may be interpreted as "bugs" if the developer isn't aware of them.

I'm not saying it's perfect, because I'm sure there certainly must be 
bugs in there. But I haven't found any showstoppers for what I'm doing 
and I don't think one person's experience should color everyone else's 
plans. I've been using 5.5.3 since it became available and I'm just 
finishing up a project that couldn't have been done in an earlier version.

Your DevaWriter would probably be more flexible and easier to script 
with the new unicode features. I wonder if those are what Horst thinks 
are bugs; the scripting has changed considerably and older methods no 
longer work.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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