Reuse an image

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Nov 15 18:34:44 EST 2012

Hi Tim,

If you need small thumbnails, it is best to resize the images and make a small copy of each big picture. You can do that with a photo editing application or inside LiveCode.

If you want to make thumbnails in LiveCode, set the size of a big image to the desired thumbnail size, create a new image and set the imagedata of the second image to the image data of the first image.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 15 nov 2012, at 21:36, Timothy Miller wrote:

> I've been wondering about a similar question (assuming I understand this question)
> Once I import an image into one card, can I reference that image and display it on another card? For instance, if I want to display an index of thumbnail imported images from other cards.
> Hmm... I just re-read the other question. Mine might be completely different...
> Thanks in advance.
> Tim

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