iOS keyboard

Guglielmo Braguglia guglielmo at
Wed Nov 14 17:29:19 EST 2012

... and Jaque, UIView have also two more properties :

- opaque : Set to false if the control should be rendered with transparency.
- alpha     : Set to a value between 0 and 255 to blend the control with 
any controls underneath it.



On 14.11.2012 22:56, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 11/14/12 2:08 PM, Guglielmo Braguglia wrote:
>> Hi Jaque,
>> I don't know if is the best solution, but actually, what I do to test
>> the character inside the iOS/Android native fields (both single and
>> multiline), is using the message "inputTextChanged" which is fired each
>> character the user type ...
>> So ...
>> put mobileControlTarget() into tTarget  // to know which field is 
>> changed
>> put mobileControlGet(tTarget, "text") into tText  // to get ALL the text
>> entered
>> ... next you can play with the text (e.g. search if the last char is cr)
>> and you can set back the text into the native field with :
>> mobileControlSet tTarget, "text", tText
>> Hope this help ...
> Thanks. I guess I'll have to do it that way. It seems like overkill 
> but I can't find any other way.
> Are you able to make a multiline input control transparent?

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