What is the way to replace frames on a website?

Pierre Sahores sc at sahores-conseil.com
Mon May 28 03:48:51 EDT 2012


Many thanks for pointing the attention on AngularJS. It appears to be both an amazing JQuery powered library and a semantics driven swiss-knife framework.

Le 28 mai 2012 à 04:17, Igor de Oliveira Couto a écrit :

> On 28/05/2012, at 8:26 AM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
>> is there a better alternative that you could recommend over jQuery ?
> JQuery is excellent, but it has limitations, and using JQuery exclusively to build a web app on the client side can make your code difficult to maintain, depending on the complexity of your app. 
> AngularJS is a Google-funded framework, which is based on JQuery - it uses JQuery at its core. You can develop more complex apps in a much simpler way than with JQuery, using Angular, and still use JQuery for interface 'special effects' and extra interactivity, if you wish. Angular is easy to well-documented, easy to learn, and has an active and helpful online community:
> http://angularjs.org/

Pierre Sahores
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