Breakpoints being ignored

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Wed May 9 21:27:16 EDT 2012

Agreed! and thanks to Jerry for opening up the code to OSS.  I didn't mean
to diminish Mark's work on GLX2, I'm just frustrated with the current state
of affairs with editors in Livecode in general. I've been spoiled by and
used to Remo for years and have been comfortable with it, considered it the
best editor.

If you want software to break, give it to me, I seem to break everything.
but here's the deal: we have 4 choices for editors, all with downsides:

1. The native editor is stable, but has oddities that annoy, like that
unnecessary double-enter compile-and-close window thing, or the lack of a
charcoal motif, that is easier on the eyes of the myopic. I couldn't get
the stack-wide search to work. Navigation is still a struggle on big
projects. And I'd like to be able to open a second window to compare code.
But none of the editors do that. This editor has worked basically the same
since 2001.

2. Remo won't work in Livecode 5.02+ and is MIA, and I assume dead at this
point. No website exists and no word from Jerry.

3. GLX2  - am I the only one that has these problems mentioned earlier?

4. the BBEDIT plugin thing that Trevor created eons ago. It works, but
doesn't have any navigation for big projects.

Sadly, the only way I seem to be able to get the editor I want is to dive
into GLX2 and try to find out what is wrong... but editing an editor is
something I've never done before, and have a reluctance to try. Kudos to
Mark for going in there.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:32 PM, Mark Wieder <mwieder at> wrote:

> Bob Sneidar <bobs at ...> writes:
> >
> > Actually, Mark Weider has done a lot to make GLX2 stable and better.
> Thanks!
>  The current version seems to be working
> > really well. To my knowledge, PowerDebug has never been the source of any
> issues I have run into, but my
> > memory is really bad so take that with a grain of salt. The issues I
> have had
> were also present in the vanilla
> > debugger if I recall. I will go so far as to say that many of the
> features in
> the built-in editor and debugger
> > were the result of Jerry's pioneering work in GLX2. PowerDebug is just
> the
> GLX2 debugger broken out as a
> > separate plugin (correct me if I am wrong).
> I originally broke the debugger out as a separate plugin because mixing
> the code
> together was starting to get hopelessly complicated. And I wanted to have
> the
> debugger work with Remo. There are only a few points of contact between the
> script editor and the debugger, so it was easy enough to pull these out
> into an
> api. But PowerDebug rapidly took on a life of its own with added features
> and
> more robustness, especially as it evolved the ability to debug standalone
> applications.
> >
> > I like PowerDebug for a few reasons, not the least of which is a hotkey
> for
> step over, into and what have you. I
> > especially like usign the spacebar to step through code. I think their
> variable inspector is really well
> > done as well. Being able to view the contents of an array has been
> especially
> useful to me and is primarily
> > why I even use the LC arrays after becoming so used to numbered key style
> arrays. I also like the way tabs are
> > managed, and the bread crumbs feature is genius.
> My favorite features of GLX2 are breadcrumbs, handler links, and folders. I
> really miss all those when I have to work in the IDE's script editor.
> OTOH, the
> IDE has better search capabilities.
> > The problem of course, with this kind of editor and debugger, as Jerry
> has
> pointed out in the past, is that
> > because it is done entirely in LC, the potential for breaking it when new
> versions of LC come out that make
> > changes to the engine is always a factor.
> <groan>
> Quite right. And the changes, when they come, aren't usually documented,
> forcing
> a mad scramble and regression test with each new release.
> </groan>
> Back on topic, the soft breakpoints set in the editor are stored as custom
> properties of the target stack and sometimes don't align properly any more
> with
> the script text. Recompiling the script *should* fix this, but doesn't
> always do
> that. Removing the custom property and setting the breakpoints again
> should work.
> --
>  Mark Wieder
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

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