paying for bug fixes (was Re: [ANN] Installer Maker Plugin 1.7.8)

Tim Jones tolistim at
Fri May 4 18:08:53 EDT 2012

On May 4, 2012, at 3:02 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

> Hi, Bob!
> Would it meet the intent of what you are saying to essentially close the bugs-to-be-fixed list for a major release some period of time--say a month--after the release of the next major release?  (With the caveats of "may opt to do so" as you say.)  Or should that period be in the 3 months to 11 year range?  That is, the person who bought the earlier release just before the new release was (uh) released would have a month to say that the product does not work with his stuff.  

In this case, we offer a 60 day protection amnesty period - if the user buys a version and we ship a major upgrade within the 60 days after they purchase, they get the new version for free.  This is for three reasons -

	1: Protect the user from an unexpected expense when they've just bought your product
	3: Protect the maintenance team from tracking down bugs that may be fixed in the new version
	2: Protect your revenue stream so that the customers don't get wind of a new version and then wait to purchase.


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