Heavy Crit. was Re: Text formatting for a slider

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 15:52:41 EDT 2012

On 03/24/2012 08:31 PM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
> There is no way to get all the properties of an object, because "the properties" and "the propertynames" both are incomplete. There are been several enhancement requests in the "quality" center, but no action or even reply at all from LC, as usual.

This "as usual" begins to feel increasingly insulting.

Over the years (and, I, for one, have been contributing/stirring things 
up on this list for about 11 years), a lot of people
(most far more knowledgeable than myself) have been posting many 
wonderful things, AND made some fairly trenchant criticisms
about a variety of "problems" / "loopholes" / "inconsistencies", have it 
how you will.....

and there is a general feeling that isn't often as explicitly stated as 
'Richmond-the-big-mouth' states things that, for all the
fancy words about RunRev being "user-friendly" and "receptive to user 
feedback" this is all a load of tosh, and RunRev
doesn't really give a monkey's.


Now, Björnke made some fairly snide remarks to me at the developer 
conference in Edinburgh about how my
'direct way' alienated a lot of others on the Use-List;

He went to great pains to tell me (in the Pollok Halls of residence) how 
many Use-List regulars developed special anti-Richmond filters -
I felt flattered . . .  :)

but, of course, what he was not prepared to admit was that
I am extremely convenient for those who want to do the "Pastor 
Neimoller", in that I can be relied on to call a
spade a "f***ing shovel" at times like them, take the heat, while they 
get any benefit that may accrue from it.

Despite Björnke's remarks; there is a need for somebody, sometimes to 
stand up and state a few
unpleasant truths - the silly thing about sound recording springs to 
mind (not forgetting the eternal one about
exporting sounds). And, as somebody who does not make his money out of 
RunRev's products (however dearly he would
like to), and does not depend on his reputation with RunRev or other 
subscribers to the Use-list for his
CV or his next job, he is not afraid to stand up and state that, over 
the years, while RunRev has stated time and again, that they
value end-user feedback, they have not really demonstrated that at all.

After 11 years of working with RunRev/Livecode I am well aware of its 
strengths, and it is my "weapon of choice" far ahead
of all the others 'out there'; this is exactly why I am very sad that 
there are so many things that have not been addressed
by the developers which would strengthen it still further.

I am well aware that quite a lot of "repair work" has been overlooked in 
the mad rush forwards to grab the handheld market;
but now that has been sorted out, surely a period of retrenchment is 
called for, to address these very real shortcomings
that have been festering away there in the back like a series of 
ingrowing toenails.


This hurts me all the more, because when I attended the developer 
conference in Edinburgh, and visited RunRev's headquarters
in the New Town I could see how much LOVE (and I mean love) was being 
poured into Livecode, how much effort,
and how much brain-power.

Livecode is such a good product, and has been for a very long time, that 
were the RunRev people just a bit more responsive
to the very real criticisms, offered not in a  spirit of nastiness, but 
in a spirit of wanting to help, it could be absolutely

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