datagrid in iOS scroller (improved questions)

Ken Corey ken at
Fri Mar 23 04:52:37 EDT 2012

On 23/03/2012 06:48, Terry Judd wrote:
> Hi Ken - don't know if it will help but what I usually do is put group the form datagrid inside of another group (with the datagrid as the only member) and then lock the 'parent' group to the required size. Then, each time I update the datagrid I set it's height to the maximum value of the height of the parent group and the dgFormattedHeight of the datagrid. I use this same value to set the scroller object's dimensions.

Yes, it all helps!

The solution, for me, was to:
1) add this to my card where the group was:
on scrollerDidScroll OffsetX, OffsetY
   set "dgScrollbarDragV "&OffsetY to group "<group of datagrid>"
   set "dgScrollbarDragH "&OffsetX to group "<group of datagrid>"
end scrollerDidScroll
2) ensure that the rect and contentRect properties start correctly:
iphoneControlSet sScrollerId, "contentRect", (0,0,320,2500)
iphoneControlSet sScrollerId, "rect","0,0,320,460"
3) Use your maximum tip to set the height of both the datagrid and the 
contentRect of the scroller.
4) I don't know what the effect was, but the datagrid's position was 
unlocked. I locked it.

I was ready to decide it just couldn't be done in LiveCode when it was 
just a few lines away.

Now on to figure out how to do it on Android.


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