Setting script in object not working...
Glen Bojsza
gbojsza at
Wed Mar 21 20:18:08 EDT 2012
Further testing points to my main project stack has the problem... I
rebuilt a smaller stack that creates an image, and derives it's script in
the same fashion as my main stack and it works without any issues.
It's going to be a long night... thanks for the ideas and help but I have
something that is specific to this stack and I don't want to bother anyone
since it won't be reproducible else where.
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Glen Bojsza <gbojsza at> wrote:
> Here is where it gets interesting...
> I created a couple of fields and test buttons
> one field I add what I want as a script and the button beside it sets the
> script of the image (just doing one for now)
> the other button reads what the script is from the image into the field
> beside it ; also the field I can use to output any mouseUp info from the
> image.
> when I try to set the script of the image with the following text in the
> field it does nothing (does not set the script of the image at all??)
> on mouseUp
> lock screen
> if exists(img tempPlot) then delete img tempPlot
> copy me
> paste
> set the name of the last img to "tempPlot"
> set the width of img "tempPlot" to 727
> set the height of img "tempPlot" to 255
> set the loc of img "tempPlot" to the loc of btn locStripChart
> set the lockloc of img "tempPlot" to true
> set the script of of img "tempPlot" to the plotZoom of stack "NM V1"
> set the tooltip of of img "tempPlot" to the tempPlotTooltip of stack "NM
> V1"
> unlock screen
> end mouseUp
> When I remove the
> lock screen
> if exists(img tempPlot) then delete img tempPlot
> unlock screen
> from the field leaving the following in the field it then sets the image
> script AND when I click the image it generates the image expected? But the
> new image's script is missing (which is probably the same problem we are
> trying to solve currently)
> on mouseUP
> copy me
> paste
> set the name of the last img to "tempPlot"
> set the width of img "tempPlot" to 727
> set the height of img "tempPlot" to 255
> set the loc of img "tempPlot" to the loc of btn locStripChart
> set the lockloc of img "tempPlot" to true
> set the script of of img "tempPlot" to the plotZoom of stack "NM V1"
> set the tooltip of of img "tempPlot" to the tempPlotTooltip of stack "NM
> V1"
> end mouseUP
> Remember that all of this works in the ide without any problems??
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