MySQL standalone issues

Sieg Lindstrom sl at
Tue Mar 20 16:41:53 EDT 2012

Thanks, Pete. That gives me a clue. The LC app of primary concern to me has such a long history it started out as a HyperCard stack (and formerly interfaced with a local database, not MySQL). There are instances in which it temporarily saves data to text files to get around HyperCard's 30,000-character field length limit. That said, I have considered that aspect before, and the text files in question are included with the stack in the standalone settings, but maybe I haven't done that properly.

In fact, I now realize that the text files, being of such ancient vintage, don't have .txt extensions. Now wondering if that is the root of the problem, even though this app has worked in the IDE for 7 years.

Sieg Lindstrom

On Mar 20, 2012, at 1:20 PM, Pete wrote:

> Hi Sieg,
> I don't know of such an article but people on this list can probably help
> if you give use a bit more detail about what the queries are and what error
> messages you are getting.
> There shouldn't be any SQL reasons for things not working in a standalone
> if they worked in the IDE so I suspect it's some LC related issue.  The
> favorite candidate for things like this is usually relying on data being
> saved somewhere in the standalone, which can't be done.

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