Serious Question about the list...

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sun Mar 18 09:51:01 EDT 2012

Hi Richard,

This mailing list is exactly as official as the forum.

This mailing list exists on my own computer and can be searched off-line, which means I can access it from anywhere (I take my computer everywhere).

Using MIME, iCloud or other mail services, you can synchronise your e-mail on all your machines and have it available everywhere, even if you don't always take your computer with you.

Most mail services include web mail, which makes it even easier to access the mailing list from anywhere.

While on-line, I can search this list much more quickly than any forum, using the Firefox search plugin

All mail applications contain smart mail boxes and advanced search feaures, which makes it really easy and fast to search the mailing list off-line

Using e-mail, it is much easier for me to keep track of all discussions. I like to have a compact overview. 

I am automatically notified of any new message on this mailing list. I don't know of a way to do this with the forum messages (unless I'm already participating in the discussion)

This list, just like the forum, is open for anyone and used by anyone, not just people "in the know".

I suspect that geeks have a preference for this mailing list, because it is text-only. Geeks usually prefer plain text over everything else (including cheese).

People who have never heard about LiveCode seem to be slightly more likely to stumble into the forums. Must be a Google thing.

The reasons why people choose to use mainly one or mainly another source of information can be very subjective and discussing such subjective matters make little sense.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Download the Installer Maker Plugin 1.7 for LiveCode here

On 18 mrt 2012, at 14:32, Richard MacLemale wrote:

> Here's my serious question.  Why do so many people "in the know" use the list instead of the official RunRev LiveCode forums?  Forums have so many advantages over mailing lists - they're easier to read, they're easier to search, you can access them from anywhere, I could keep going.  I'm just curious as to why the best LiveCoders spend more time here than in the forums? There are people who participate in both - I see Jacque and Klaus in there all the time and I probably owe Klaus a case of beer at this point...
> Anyway, just curious?
> ---
> Richard MacLemale
> Music =
> Programming =

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