Is there a serious garbage collection problem

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sat Jun 23 08:27:17 EDT 2012

Hello Richard,

There is no garbage collecting problem in LiveCode 4.5 and 5.0.x. I don't know about 5.5.x yet, but I don't expect it.

There might be some scripts running after you delete a card. To prevent this, lock messages before deleting the card:

lock messages
delete card
unlock messages

This will probably faster than whatever you're doing now. 

There are probably reasons why LiveCode goes non-responsive. A possibility might be a problem in a stackResized handler. This consitently locks up LiveCode. 

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 23 jun 2012, at 04:04, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

> I haven't seen anything like this for several years.
> Is there a *serious* garbage collection problem with livecode?
> When I delete cards from my output stack, the response time is
> measured in seconds.  For a half dozen cards, it's long enough for me
> to get annoyed, and actually launch another program.
> There is also the occasional long delay from out of the blue during
> which the thing is completely non-responsive.

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