lcTaskList Plugin 1.0rc2 Released

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at
Mon Jun 18 01:24:46 EDT 2012

I've released the second open beta release candidate of the Task List plugin for LiveCode for download.

What's New:
	Color banding in the list (thanks to Bernd Niggemann for this)
	Preferences for color banding and font size
	Preference to exclude specified stacks from being indexed
	Preference to view entire description in a tooltip. This is useful if you have the lcTaskList window very narrow

Thanks for the recent use-list discussion of where to save the preference file. This version saves a new prefs file called "lcTaskList.prefs" in the appropriate places on Macintosh, Windows, and Linux. Any previous preferences will be ignored and need to be entered again.
Bill Vlahos
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