Crashing documentation on Linux

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Jun 7 09:37:31 EDT 2012

J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 6/6/12 2:36 PM, Richmond wrote:
>> An on-going problem is that the RR/LC Dictionary crashes the IDE on
>> Linux (3.5, 4.0, 4.5 at least),
>> and, at last, I have found a suitably mental workaround for this problem
>> . . . .
>> Build Metacard using Jacque's 2.0.1 Metacard builder from RevOnline.
> According to one report, using Metacard Setup with LiveCode 5.5 causes a
> system-wide lockup, so I'd recommend against that. I haven't had time to
> investigate it yet. Earlier versions of LiveCode are fine.


At a Microsoft dev conference I went to some years ago the rep giving a 
presentation about VB said something very wise:

"If your app generates a runtime error, that's your problem.  But if 
your app generates a crash, that's our problem.  Our engine should be 
robust enough that it's not possible to crash it."

Sure, that's a lofty goal, but a good one.

I haven't yet run MC Setup for v5.5 in Linux, but I'll keep an eye out 
for issues so the engine team can address them.  An app-specific lock-up 
can be a script issue, but a system-wide lockup on Linux should be 

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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