on-rev hacked

Tim Selander selander at tkf.att.ne.jp
Mon Jun 4 22:02:32 EDT 2012

Thanks for the heads up. My sites seem to be okay... which server 
are you on?

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

On 6/5/12 7:57 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:
> It was pointed out to me over the weekend (thanks Mark!) that my on-rev website
> had been hit by a bot that did two things: replaced my .htaccess file with an
> empty (zero-length) one, and inserted a javascript pointing to "thesalivan.com"
> right after the<body>  tag in all the .html and .htm files.
> Simple enough to fix up, but annoying and consumed time I would rather have
> spent on other pressing projects.
> So this is just an alert to those who have sites hosted on on-rev, given the
> recent (or no-so-recent) security breach there, you might want to check your web
> pages and ensure that nothing's out of place. I hadn't noticed any discrepancy,
> apparently because one or more of my Firefox blockers was preventing the script
> from loading.

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