Preview of Resolution Independent Control library for RevMobile

Chipp Walters chipp at
Wed Jul 25 18:00:05 EDT 2012

Helps if I proofread before posting..

--> "As far as responsive design goes, perhaps a custom layouts per card
size approach a proper way to go."
--> "The square card size should also handle most cases where you want the
width of a control to change but not the height."

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Chipp Walters <chipp at> wrote:

> Good points.
> Years ago I created altLayouLib and have used it for work in multiple OS
> environments. With it you could set the controls layout behavior based upon
> OS. It read the OS and resized/moved controls based upon MacOS, Win32 or
> Other.
> As far as responsive design goes, it perhaps this approach a proper way to
> go. So, for instance one could set different stack resolutions and layout
> the controls for each based upon a specific resolution-- and if no
> resolution matched, then it defaults to the closest resolution smaller than
> the one being used.
> Still, seems like a lot of work. I still want to try Tom's approach of
> different square cards(or stacks) for both portrait and landscape. I really
>  see potential in it and I think it *should* work fine with this latest
> altMobileResizer library. The square sizing should also handle most cases
> where you want the width of a control to change but not the height.
> BTW, just updated it to fix a niggling bug and added a button to it to
> check for all images which don't have resizeQuality set to "Good". Just
> press the update button to get the latest version. You should reinstall the
> library and the OpenStack handlers on any existing projects.

Chipp Walters
CEO, Altuit, Inc.

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