finding the name of the target's stack in a script

Peter Haworth pete at
Wed Jul 25 03:16:14 EDT 2012

I'm guessing almost everyone on this list have their own routines to do
this and it's interesting to see the different methods.  Here's mine, with
a getOwner thrown in for good measure.

function getGroup pid
   if word 1 of the owner of pid is not "group" then
      return empty
      return the short name of the owner of pid
   end if
 end getGroup

function getCard pid,preturn
   if word 1 of the abbrev name of the owner of pid is "card" then
      if preturn is "name" then
         return the short name of the owner of pid
         return the long ID of the owner of pID
      end if
      return getCard(the long ID of the owner of pid)
   end if
end getCard

function getOwner pid
   put getGroup(pid) into pgroup
   if pgroup is not empty then
      return the abbrev name of pgroup
      return getCard(pid)
   end if
end getOwner

function getStack pid
   return the name of the owner of getCard(pid,"long")
end getStack

lcSQL Software <>

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Peter M. Brigham <pmbrig at> wrote:

> On Jul 24, 2012, at 8:28 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:
> > It seems, though, that there should be a construct along the lines of
> >
> >  the stack of <object>
> >  the card of <object>
> >  the group of <objec>
> I tried to find a way of doing this without "do" commands, but…
> function stackOf tObjLongID
>    replace " of " with numtochar(8) in tObjLongID
>    set the itemdelimiter to numtochar(8)
>    put item -1 of tObjLongID into tStack
>    do "put the short name of " && tStack && "into stackName"
>    return stackName
> end stackOf
> function cardOf tObjLongID
>    replace " of " with numtochar(8) in tObjLongID
>    set the itemdelimiter to numtochar(8)
>    put item -2 to -1 of tObjLongID into tCard
>    replace numtochar(8) with " of " in tCard
>    do "put the short name of" && tCard && "into cdName"
>    return cdName
> end cardOf
> function groupOf tObjLongID
>    if " group " is not in tObjLongID then return empty
>    replace " of " with numtochar(8) in tObjLongID
>    set the itemdelimiter to numtochar(8)
>    put item -3 to -1 of tObjLongID into tGp
>    replace numtochar(8) with " of " in tGp
>    do "put the short name of" && tGp && "into gpName"
>    return gpName
> end groupOf
> Can't do "stack of…" but you can do "stackOf(tLongID)"
> -- Peter
> Peter M. Brigham
> pmbrig at
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