Euro Symbol on Android

Dan Friedman dan at
Wed Jul 11 11:11:22 EDT 2012

If I do this on iOS (or MacOS), I get the proper results:

	put "€" into field 1

However, if I do the same thing on Android, I get some goofy character.

How do you get a euro character to show on Android?  I ran this on my Android device:

on mouseUp
  ask "enter char:"
  --i entered the euro char
  put it into tChar
  set the useUnicode to true
  answer charToNum(tChar)
end mouseUp

The result of this was 33506.  However, setting the unicodeText of field 1 to numToChar(33506) did not get me the right character.  (Yes, I did set the useUnicode to true)

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

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