Weired code page issue

Ruslan Zasukhin ruslan_zasukhin at
Mon Jan 30 04:04:20 EST 2012

On 1/30/12 10:08 AM, "Tiemo Hollmann TB" <toolbook at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a LC 4.6 program with a valentina 4.8 db for a couple of years
> running and for the first time now a single customer on a iMac with Lion
> tells me, that all german Umlaute are broken in displaying the db content.
> The valentina db is coded UTF-16, german and it is completely prefilled by
> me and is unchanged since years. There are no write or update actions by the
> customer, only read. I have asked the customer for his language settings,
> but he says, everything is on german or standard.
> I am not good in system questions on Mac and I have no idea where to start
> searching. Is it a Mac issue (most presumably because it is only one single
> customer), or  a Valentina issue or a LC issue? Can anybody point me into
> any direction what to check or search for?

Hi Tiemo,

To try isolate issue better you can add into app code
Which read value from db then save it to disk text file ?

May be enable DebugLevel for V4REV and then you should see that values right
in V4REV LOG.  

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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