standalone not quitting on Win7
Nicolas Cueto
niconiko at
Tue Jan 10 21:04:14 EST 2012
A standalone can quit on pre-Win7 but not on Win7.
Here's the relevant scripts for the card and the stack:
on closeStackRequest
lock messages
-- MySql
put revOpenDatabases() into myDatabases
repeat for each item myBase in myDatabases
revCloseDatabase myBase
end repeat
-- stop using stacks
put the stacksInUse into myStacks
repeat for each line myStack in myStacks
stop using stack myStack
end repeat
-- stacks
put the openStacks into myStacks
put "message box,home,tool,Message Box,revTools,revMenubar" & comma
& the short name of me into myDontClose
repeat for each line myStack in myStacks
if myStack is not among the items of myDontClose then close stack myStack
end repeat
-- messages
put the pendingmessages into myMsgs
repeat for each line myMsg in myMsgs
cancel item 1 of myMsg
end repeat
set the backdrop to none
unlock messages
if the environment is not "development" then
pass closeStackRequest
end if
end closeStackRequest
on closeStack
end closeStack
Any ideas? Thanks.
Nicolas Cueto
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