iOS: custom answer (UIAlertView) dialog?

Chris Sheffield cmsheffield at
Tue Jan 3 14:09:30 EST 2012

Do we have the ability yet in LiveCode to customize the answer (UIAlertView) dialog? I need a little more control over the appearance of the dialog than the default answer command allows for. Things like text font, alignment, styles, etc. The ability to skin it would also be great, but not absolutely necessary. If that's not possible, is there a way to use a custom stack and create a custom dialog that way, like we can for the desktop? I tried issuing a "modal stack <stack_name>" command, but that filled the entire screen with my modal stack, which is not what I want. I need a dialog that pops up over the top of the current view.

Anyone? I'm guessing the answer to this right now is "no", but thought I'd ask.


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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