New Math

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Sat Feb 18 19:11:33 EST 2012


put ?? into theValue
repeat with theValue = theValue+1 to theValue +100
IF theValue mod 20 = 0 THEN EXIT REPEAT
end repeat
put theValue

Joe Wilkins

On Feb 18, 2012, at 3:55 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

> Hi Marty,
> Just create a repeat loop that increases or decreases the value by 1 until it reaches a value where mod 20 of the value = 0; then exit the loop and your value will be divisible by 20. I'll let you code this. This would be very fast and quite simple.
> Joe Wilkins
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 3:39 PM, Marty Knapp wrote:
>> Let's say I have a numeric field and a button to increase the value and a button to decrease the value. When I click the increase button, I want it to increase to the next highest value that is evenly divisible by 20. So if the field has a value of 19, a click will set the value to 20. If the field has a value of 121, a click would increase  it to 140.
>> I know I could do it by adding (or subtracting in the case of a decrease) but is there a more elegant and/or faster way to do that?
>> Thanks,
>> Marty K

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