Android stats

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Tue Feb 7 12:22:34 EST 2012

On 07/02/2012 05:14, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> Very true, and I don't see much hope for improvement. On the other hand, it's
> pretty much expected you'll jailbreak an Android tablet so people update that
> way.


Do you have any stats for that, or is it anecdotal/instinct?  I work in a 
roomfull of geeks, but I just asked the two on my table who have Android 
phones, and neither of them had rooted/jailbroke/whatever...  And thinking of 
my friends who have Android phones, most are completely non-technical and it 
would never occur to them to do anything like that.

Maybe my milieu is different from yours; or maybe even the situation on 
tablets is different from that on phones - I don't know anybody except me with 
an Android tablet - but I'm not sure why it should be.

Again, this looks like a case where the Kindle Fire could be a special case, 
because Amazon, like Apple, seem set to just push out updates with little user 
intervention or control.  But in the rest of the tabletverse, I don't see any 
reason to think the fragmentation won't continue.  But again that's just based 
on extremely limited personal experience, so if you had some actual data I'd 
be interested.


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