Learning LiveCode

Robert Sneidar slylabs13 at me.com
Thu Dec 27 15:17:40 EST 2012

Dammit! Now it makes sense! 


On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:44 AM, kee nethery wrote:

> ZX81
> CPU chip was made by Zilog (thus the "Z"). 
> The first Sinclair used the Z80. The Z80 chip was "Z80" because it was binary compatible with the Intel 8080. The ZX81 was a Z80 CPU with more stuff added into it, thus, the ZX81 (presumably eXtra and 81 because that was the next number).
> Back in the day it made perfect sense to name it the Z80 and for the follow on to be the ZX81.
> Kee (old guy)
> PS: My first computer was a SouthWest Technical Products 6800 (aka SWTPC 6800)

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