Creating a short question answer with radio buttons

Shawn Blc shawnlivecode at
Fri Aug 31 20:17:55 EDT 2012

Disclaimer:  I'm totally new to LiveCode, bought Colin's PDF file, read the
scripting conference stack on controls, etc.  As of yet, I haven't really
created anything of value to me or anyone else.  I'm trying to change that.
 I've had the Gold Bundle for over a month.

I'm trying to create a short question and answer program, the answers will
be supplied in radio buttons.  Example:   A square has how many sides?   A)
1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 (these would be radio buttons).

I'll have to keep track of the right and wrong answer and show a score at
the end.

If anyone can give me a short example or show me where to find it, thank

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