Dos Ascii to Windows Ansi or Mac Roman

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Mon Aug 6 15:41:19 EDT 2012

I have just one a little reading:

and from this it is clear that it would be expecting too much for 
Livecode to convert this sort of stuff.

What you DO NEED is the number (somewhere between 129 and 256 in 
extended ASCII) for U umlaut
(upper case) and u umlaut (lower case).

And then the numbers of the characters in WINDOWS ANSI and MAC ROMAN:

In MS DOS ASCII LATIN US - u umlaut is char 252 and U umlaut is char 220.

In WINDOWS 1252 Western ANSI - u umlaut is char 252 and U umlaut is char 

In Mac Roman - u umlaut is char 252 and U umlaut is 220.

So your question is redundant, and you don't have to worry about these 
characters at all!!!!!!!!

Tested with Fontforge and a standard font.

Love, Richmond.

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