Time-Stamping Demo programs via substacks?

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 04:31:14 EDT 2012


--30 Day code--

if the fld "STAMP" of stack "STAMP" is empty then
   set the lockScreen to true
     put the seconds into into fld "STAMP" of stack "STAMP"
     save stack "STAMP"
   set the lockScreen to false
end if

put the seconds into DAZE30
put fld "STAMP" of stack "STAMP" into TSTAMP
if DAZE30 > (TSTAMP + 2592000) then
   set the vis of img "TIME IS UP CHUM" to true
end if

--End 30 Day code--

This works very well in a stack (where stack "STAMP" is a substack of my 

will it work in a standalone?

or, put another way,

will the standalone save the time-stamp data in the substack?

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